Friday, August 27, 2004

First Bog post

A thought, maybe for your website so other readers could have input:
Lets say you have two baseball teams. Lets call the first team the "Republicans". They have a philosophy that promotes self-accountability. Maybe a work hard, work smart, get more, type thing. And lets call the second team the "democrats". This team works but maybe with a little less accountability. If someone works hard and smart maybe they should be sharing with the ones who don't work so hard type thing.
Now, the game starts. It is the bottom of the Fourth inning, the score is 7 to 6 in favor of the Republicans. Two outs and there is a man on second. The pitch is made and the batter hits a line drive down the third base line.
In this particular situation, I have two questions:
If the ball sticks in the face of the third baseman, is the hitter out?
If the runner on second has a wooden leg, can he take it off, set it on the base and simply hobble over to third?
Thank you for your response to these thought-provoking situations.


At August 27, 2004 at 11:52 AM, Blogger pshene said...

You flaming liberal attack ad! Everything is black and white with you guys unless it hurts the "little guy". Whatever, you make sick, you pinko!
Let me give you a suggestion. Then next time you go shooting off your mouth about the price of tea in China, at least find out what it is first! Otherwise, get off the pot!
Man, you're confusing. Even my cell mate, Cheech Marin, thinks you made half of that stuff up.


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