Monday, September 13, 2004

My Bushmaster AR x15 back in my lap.....

...After 10 unsafe and miserable years, we can all get our semi-automatic rifles back. The outdated ban on semi auto rifles is finally expired. I mean get them where they should be: ready for use on a moment's notice. Mine will fire about 15 slugs of lead in less than three seconds. I could stop anyone from doing anything I felt threatened with. Please keep in mind, this gun is for protection only. Guns dont kill people, people kill people. Right? I wont use this gun unless I must. A stranger in my garage or back yard.....I also have a 850 horsepower dodge viper with a giant V10 engine it it. You know the one. But I wont go over 55 mph because thats the law.....


At September 16, 2004 at 1:32 PM, Blogger pshene said...

A guy walks into a bar with a rooster under his arm.
The bartender says, "stop! Turn right back around...we don't serve no perverts here!"
The rooster says "you didn't call me that when I came in under yo' mamma's arm!"
The bartender says, "well, duh! She's a girl!"
The rooster files a multi-million dollar lawsuit for discrimination against same-sex/cross-species couples, wins the judgement, buys the bar from the desperate and destitute owner, turns it into a popular hotspot for gangbangers, prostitutes and ecstasy users, becomes championed as a vanguard for "the new family values", winning a seat on the city council and numerous honorary University degrees, the Nobel Peace prize, and eventually becomes Secretary General of the United Nations, where he personally arranges for the ex-bartender to be rounded up with his family, and sent to the International Criminal Court to await trial and execution.

Moral of the story: Don't screw with a rooster, unless of course you have his consent.


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