Sunday, December 05, 2004

I Want Christmas to Come Back!

You know, I used to love this time of year- Christmas time. Alas, that’s gone now- taken away to be replaced with a generic “Season’s Greetings”, or as I like to call it: “Yuletide SpendFest”. Regardless of anyone’s religious preference, it can be understood that Christmas was created to commemorate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, who at minimum, is alleged to have some decent philosophies regarding the treatment of one’s fellow human being. The term “Peace on Earth, Goodwill Toward Men” applies- and even with a modern, non-gender specific translation, goodwill toward others is something we all could use more of, not to mention peace on Earth (Not to be planetary Bias). It was a time to think of ones blessings, of loved ones, of home and hearth. Now, instead, we get reports of expectations of people’s spending in large department stores and retail outlets. We are given projections of anticipated credit card debt over “the Holidays” (Whoops- there’s that “holy” reference implicit in that word!). What grounds are there for the removal of “Merry Christmas”? Well, I’ve heard from some that as non-Christians, it offends them. You really have to wonder how great and sheltered someone’s life must be for them to be “offended” by such a salutation. In a time of tolerance, why would such a greeting offend you? I personally would welcome any benediction, regardless of potential religious implication, from anyone I pass on the street. Ultimately, I would suspect that if you are one who does not “celebrate Christmas”, then why not let it roll off your back? St. Patrick’s Day is commemorated in many municipalities with pomp, circumstance, parades, and even drink specials. I don’t celebrate that holiday, but am not offended by those who do. What about Valentine’s Day? Well, in some ways that has been usurped by “Sweetest Day”, a thoroughly non-religious occasion hand-crafted by merchants to sell more stuff. The fact is, it’s Christmas. There’s plenty of room for other events and holidays- Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, whatever you’d choose to celebrate- and I welcome them all! Celebrations of our lives together, of our bonds as members of a global species, and a reminder of good fortunes in our lives are greatly appreciated in times of winter’s chill. So, why get rid of Christmas? I want it back- for I've grown weary of a bland, apathetic, commercial drive that has replaced it. Merry Christmas, everyone. Yes, Merry Christmas, everyone.


At December 18, 2007 at 9:48 AM, Blogger Julie said...

Me too! I've totally sidestepped the whole issue in my role as children's programmer at a public library, due to pressure from the public and co-workers. 20 years ago we had Santa Claus in to visit, no more! We used to read Christmas stories, no more! We put up signs where we display all of the Winter Holiday books together.
The holiday has been made generic, but what else should we expect in the United States of Generica?


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